Saturday, September 27, 2014

Tuesday, September 30

Pronoun Warmup
Stamp and review pronoun homework
Pronoun cases discussion
Word of the Day: 4/6 - camaraderie; 5- category
The Outsiders - hand out book, book cards, author bio, preliminary discussion
Discuss character sketches

Homework: Read chapter 1 of The Outsiders and (1) write a one-paragraph character sketch of anhy one of the main characters and (2) write down any words that are unfamiliar to you and their page number. You do not need to find the definition.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Friday, September 26

Warmup: Write a paragraph. Topic to be announced
Review instructions for reading project
Word of the day quiz (words listed under September 24 post)
New word of the day: 4,6: benevolent; 5 benefit
Begin pronouns

5: Holt Handbook page 41-42. #6-15. Write the pronouns only.
4/6: Find an article in the newspaper, magazine, or internet, of at least three paragraphs. Find all the pronouns and identify the type of pronoun each one is.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Wednesday, September 24 - National Punctuation Day!


Warmup - paragraph writing
Prefix Bingo
Prefix Test on all prefixes 1-37
Begin pronouns

Homework: Study five vocabulary words for quiz on Friday. You need to know the spelling, definition, use in a sentence, part of speech, and the related words we wrote down in class.
4 and 6: anecdote, anonymous, antagonist, arid, assiduous
5: adequate, alternative, ambiguous, analyze, attribute