Saturday, November 01, 2014

NaNoWriMo Reminder

Just a reminder that NaNoWriMo has begun. You can begin writing your novels, if you are signed up, and copy and paste your writing into the website for a word count. I will be able to see your word counts, but not what you are writing. If you have not signed up and decide that you want to participate,  you can still sign up on the website and join my virtual class, so see me next week.


Friday, October 31, 2014

Tuesday, November 2

Warmup: New seats
Word of the Day: emulate(4/6), criteria(5)
Holt Literature  story of page 62 - answer questions at end - classwork
Finish prepositions
Begin conjunctions
Homework: Read The Outsiders chapter 9. Explain Dally's behavior, what he does and why he does it.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

BOO! October 31

Roots Warmup: dia (across), dict (speak), flex/flect (bend)
Begin prepositions (Holt Handbook)
Review homework: Discuss chapter 8 and hear summaries
Word of the Day:  divergent (4/6), consequence (5)
Special Story


Monday, October 27, 2014

Wednesday, October 29

Warmup:  roots cogn (know), cracy (government), demo (people)
Adverb review
Outsiders discussion Chapter 7
Review news stories/leads
Word of the Day: disdain (4/6), concurrent (5)

Homework: Read chapter 8 and write a half  page summary of the chapter using at least 6 adverbs. Underline the adverbs.