Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Friday, February 20

Warmup: Read article B and take notes
Discuss sentence patterns
Steinbeck intro
4/6 final summaries; collect books; write summary in class
Word of the Day: perfidious (4/6)integrate (5)
Articles A and B reread and discuss

Homework:Final draft of essays due Tuesday 24th
PE essay drafts due next Thursday 26th
All late work and absent work must be in at the end of day Tuesday, 24th
Sentence Variety pattern: due next class:
Write a one-paragraph story, fiction or nonfiction, any topic
Start sentences like this:
1. start with a prepositional phrase
2.start with an adverb clause
3 Start with an infinitive
4. Put an adjective clause in the sentence
5.Put an appositive in your sentence
6. Start sentence with a participle or participial phrase
7. Use a gerund in the sentence (ing word that is a noun)

These are all different sentences. Each one will be constructed differently according to the instructions.

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