Thursday, August 28, 2014

Tuesday, September 2

Assign and go over reading project #1 - due date October 21.
Start prefixes : a/ab, ad, ante, anti, auto, bene, bi, co, contra/counter
Word of the Day #2: adversity (4 and 6), achieve (5)

Homework: Study the first 9 prefixes for a quiz next class. You need to know the meaning of each prefix and sample words for each, spelled correctly:
Periods 4 and 6: two sample words for each
Period 5: One sample word for each.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Thursday, August 28

Daily Agenda:

Stamp and review homework
Song Title Exercise
Grammar Nonquiz /review
First word of the day:
periods 4 and 6: adulation
period 5: accommodate

Homework: No homework - have a good weekend!