Sunday, September 07, 2014

Thursday, September 18

Warmup: Prefixes pro, pseudo, quad, re, sub
Review nouns
Prefix Quiz 1-27
Word of the Day:
5: ambiguous
4/6: antagonist
Discuss paragraph and essay writing
Assign Reading Project #1

Homework : Read in Holt Literature book: "Mother and Daughter"pages 110-114.

All late work must be in by Monday at 3 p.m. All quizzes must also be made up by then.

Tuesday, September 16

Warmup: Next 9 prefixes - 19-27
Word of the Day:
5: alternative
4/6: anonymous
Review homework and review types of nouns
Prefix Bingo

Homework: Study for Prefix test on prefixes 1-27. Same as usual. Know the meaning of the prefix and one sample word (period 5) spelled correctly or two sample words (periods 4 and 6) spelled correctly.

Friday, September 12

Warmup - sentence edits
Vocabulary Quiz 1 - first five words
Word of the day:
5- adequate
4/6 - anecdote
Discuss nouns

5: Holt Handbook page 41 1-5 follow directions in book
4/6: Find an article in a newspaper or magazine, or print one out from the Internet. It should be at least three paragraphs. Circle all the abstract nouns and write a summary of the article.

Wednesday, September 10

Daily warmup in Holt Handbook -page 6 exercise 1
Words of the Day: 5: adjacent    4/6: anachronistic
Review warmup
Review homework stores
Prefix quiz

Homework: Study the first five words of the day for a quiz next class
5: accommodate, achieve, acquire, affect, effect, and adjacent
4/6: adulation, adversity, aesthetic, amicable, anachronstic

Monday, September 8

Daily warmup - parts of speech
Word of the Day - 4/6: amicable       5: affect/effect
Discussion about plot
Duffy's Jacket questions

Homework: Write a story with 9 sentences total. In each sentence use one word with a prefix from prefixes 10-18 on your sheet. These are the ones we made sample words from last class. Please use the prefixes in order. So you will uses word with prefix 10 in your first sentence, 11 in your second sentence, etc., until you finish prefix 18.  Study all prefixes 1-18 for a quiz next class.