Saturday, November 15, 2014

Friday, November 21

Warmup: Holt handbook page 7 exercise 2: find the simple subject of each sentence (just the noun or pronoun that is the actual subject)

Discuss simple and complete subjects: Holt Handbook pages 5 and 6
In class Holt Handbook page 21 review B 11-25 in your notebooks: simple and complete subjects

Word of the day #2: derive (5), ephemeral (4/6)

In-class essay: 3 or more paragraphs, three line heading, title, and don't forget to put the title and author of the book in the introduction!

Essay topics: Choose One
1. The book is better than the movie (why?)
2. The movie is better than the book (why)
3. The book and the movie were very similar (how)
4. The book and the movie were quite different (how)
Due at the end of class.

Homework: Finish NaNoWriMo if you are doing it!
Read a book next week: Any book you enjoy!
Have fun and Happy Thanksgiving break!

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